Monday, January 27, 2014

Una semana bonita en España

Hola y'all guys (inside joke, no I'm not illiterate),
Can you believe that it's been a week that I have been in Spain, I know you missed me so much. So let me just begin with saying that I am in love with Spain and the people within the city. I mean I've only gotten laughed at for my broken english once while trying to get free tickets to the soccer, pardon fútbol , game. And yes it was gorgeous fútbol jugadores making kissy selfies on the metro that were laughing at NO I'm not upset about it. The town seems so free and open but yet there are thousands of people just running around. This shit cray cray.
So I bet you are all concerned about where I'm living but no need to fear, dad, I have not been sold to a brothel. My house mothers name is Gema and she is the sweetest. She makes the best healthy food which is good because yo no quiero ser una chica gorda and speaks English. Also we live about 2 blocks from the Plaza de España which is where they filmed part of the 3rd Star Wars movie (Note: Carissa I am giving you permission to be the freak that you are and watch the movie again just to see the plaza). I have already done a couple runs around the city and minus the european smokers it has been beautiful!!!
Another thing that I find very interesting about this city is how much walking we have to do! I, being the very intelligent person that I am, walked around 6 miles in 6 inch about a work out or not being able to walk the next day. I am pretty sure that I have walked more here than I have in the last 6 months, no joke. I so far have been lost in this beautiful city, lost in awe...right, with the beautiful restaurants and parks everywhere it's unreal.
As far as the monuments which we have visited in Sevilla today we went to the Alcazar which is the oldest fortress in Europe. I of course took advantage of my photo opps and was layering the crap out of the stairs. Wednesday we start school, which I'm not sure what that whole thing is about because I thought I was on a vacation from real life, wish me luck.
As always my loves in America, Muchos Besos,
Being the communication freak that I am I can't help but be fascinated with how they advertise here. First of all they don't have commercials in the TV programs and they really take advantage of the small sandpaper-like napkins.

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