Tuesday, January 21, 2014

¿Que es dormir?

Hola mi familia en Estados Unidos,
Well I made it to Madrid! Day one or two is here and yes the time change is already messing with me, I mean I just FaceTimed my parents at 3pm here and it was 6 AM there. Anyways it's a good thing that I have been blessed with the gift of laughing at myself because boy am I ever using it. I try and practice my spanish and y'all know what I sound like, a gringa! So let's see you are probably wonder where I am and what I've been doing, if you don't care I'm still gonna tell you anyways. We got to Madrid and went to the hotel, Hotel Moderno, in a HUGE bus on these tiny streets and carried our luggage there a few blocks so if that's not a sign for stupid group of Americans then I don't know what is. From there I met my roommate, yay Rachel and yes we're Facebook friends so if you want you can creep. Then we checked in and the super old Spanish man that works there who may also be a statue helped us fit one at a time into a tiny elevator cause I wasn't about to climb five flights of stairs with all my stu. We then explored the beautiful city of Madrid and found out that we are about 10m, just kidding I don't know meters but it's close, to the center of the country. The plaza where this is located is La Puerta del Sol and there is a sign that says 0m I guess there are other places in Spain that have X amount of m and that is the distance from Madrid to that point.
Anyways then we went to La Plaza Mayor where strange people, probably pick pocketers, tried to take pictures with us. As we all became hungry we were faced with the daunting task of ordering our food in spanish which was interesting, I ended up get pasta. We had a group meeting and eventually the took us out to eat very interesting food and don't worry because of course I took pictures of it. We, and when I say we it means I actually made friends, went to a famous chocolate and churros place and of course it was delicioso.
After not taking a nap all day I finally went to bed at like 1:00AM which apparently is early, whatever. I woke up the next day and went for a run in the beautiful city with a friend and no we didn't get taken which is always a bonus. The sun doesn't rise until 8:30AM here which is odd to me. Thus far in the day we have visited the royal palace of Madrid where the king and queen of spain come to visit sometimes. I wasn't allowed to take pictures which I didn't know until I got yelled at but it was beautiful, Obama has got to step up his game, but how can you even compete with a room that is made of porcelain! Anyways one more day in Madrid then off to toledo.
Muchos Abrazos y Besos (Hugs and Kisses, for my non-spanish speaking mother),
P.S. photos are on facebook so check them out!

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