Monday, January 27, 2014

Una semana bonita en España

Hola y'all guys (inside joke, no I'm not illiterate),
Can you believe that it's been a week that I have been in Spain, I know you missed me so much. So let me just begin with saying that I am in love with Spain and the people within the city. I mean I've only gotten laughed at for my broken english once while trying to get free tickets to the soccer, pardon fútbol , game. And yes it was gorgeous fútbol jugadores making kissy selfies on the metro that were laughing at NO I'm not upset about it. The town seems so free and open but yet there are thousands of people just running around. This shit cray cray.
So I bet you are all concerned about where I'm living but no need to fear, dad, I have not been sold to a brothel. My house mothers name is Gema and she is the sweetest. She makes the best healthy food which is good because yo no quiero ser una chica gorda and speaks English. Also we live about 2 blocks from the Plaza de España which is where they filmed part of the 3rd Star Wars movie (Note: Carissa I am giving you permission to be the freak that you are and watch the movie again just to see the plaza). I have already done a couple runs around the city and minus the european smokers it has been beautiful!!!
Another thing that I find very interesting about this city is how much walking we have to do! I, being the very intelligent person that I am, walked around 6 miles in 6 inch about a work out or not being able to walk the next day. I am pretty sure that I have walked more here than I have in the last 6 months, no joke. I so far have been lost in this beautiful city, lost in awe...right, with the beautiful restaurants and parks everywhere it's unreal.
As far as the monuments which we have visited in Sevilla today we went to the Alcazar which is the oldest fortress in Europe. I of course took advantage of my photo opps and was layering the crap out of the stairs. Wednesday we start school, which I'm not sure what that whole thing is about because I thought I was on a vacation from real life, wish me luck.
As always my loves in America, Muchos Besos,
Being the communication freak that I am I can't help but be fascinated with how they advertise here. First of all they don't have commercials in the TV programs and they really take advantage of the small sandpaper-like napkins.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

La Risa

Hola guapos y guapas,
They always tell you that laughter is the best medicine and that I can attest to! What else can cure walking around the streets of Spain for hours on cobble stones in Forever 21 boots (Note: I am extremely lucky and am crying about walking around Spain #Spoiled #Lobos), besides laughing with friends about dying from dehydration because who's gonna buy water for 2 Euros and getting hustled by a gypsy women. Thus far in my journey I have visited the beautiful cities of Madrid, San Lorenzo Escorial, Toledo, Cordoba y Sevilla. I now know what it is like to take tours in Spanish and for your head to hurt for hours, try learning about famous Spanish artwork in Spanish....yeah muy interesada. However I was able to see where all the kings of Spain are buried and have stones thrown at my window in Escorial and Toledo. During our tour of Toledo I found out why people say "Holy Toledo" it's because there are 80 churches in the city, the south ain't got nothin' on these people. Then we had the opportunity to ask locals where to find the best food which was a success!!!!  Also I had the opportunity to run around the beautiful city of Toledo and see the cathedral lit up as well as the Alcazar. The views were breathtaking, well that may also be the hills... yeah probably the hills. To wrap up the day/night in Toledo (BTW Spanish people don't ever sleep), we went to a tapas bar where we had the most delicious jamon serrano like American needs to get their stuff together.
We then woke up after 0 sleep and drove to Cordoba, on our way I saw something I had not seen in days GRASS!!!!!!!!! However it was almost too green. During our time in Cordoba Rachel and Steph got hustled by a gypsy woman (Again see FB to stalk) but I mean they were trying hard to get that paper money. We also went to a tapas bar and met un guapo camereo que tiene una hija. Some people got locked in the bathroom, but I'm really strong and overcame that battle. From there toured the Mosque and Jill picked some oranges and got shamed. I honestly can't explain to you people at home just how beautiful these places are like the photos don't do it any justice.
Around 7pm we finally met our house mother and she is amazing, and speaks english!! We had sopa de calabeza, croquettas y broccoli which were delicious. It finally has hit me that I will be living in Spain for 4 more months and I couldn't be happier!
Here's to more laughter and photogenic pictures!!!
Brazos y besos

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

¿Que es dormir?

Hola mi familia en Estados Unidos,
Well I made it to Madrid! Day one or two is here and yes the time change is already messing with me, I mean I just FaceTimed my parents at 3pm here and it was 6 AM there. Anyways it's a good thing that I have been blessed with the gift of laughing at myself because boy am I ever using it. I try and practice my spanish and y'all know what I sound like, a gringa! So let's see you are probably wonder where I am and what I've been doing, if you don't care I'm still gonna tell you anyways. We got to Madrid and went to the hotel, Hotel Moderno, in a HUGE bus on these tiny streets and carried our luggage there a few blocks so if that's not a sign for stupid group of Americans then I don't know what is. From there I met my roommate, yay Rachel and yes we're Facebook friends so if you want you can creep. Then we checked in and the super old Spanish man that works there who may also be a statue helped us fit one at a time into a tiny elevator cause I wasn't about to climb five flights of stairs with all my stu. We then explored the beautiful city of Madrid and found out that we are about 10m, just kidding I don't know meters but it's close, to the center of the country. The plaza where this is located is La Puerta del Sol and there is a sign that says 0m I guess there are other places in Spain that have X amount of m and that is the distance from Madrid to that point.
Anyways then we went to La Plaza Mayor where strange people, probably pick pocketers, tried to take pictures with us. As we all became hungry we were faced with the daunting task of ordering our food in spanish which was interesting, I ended up get pasta. We had a group meeting and eventually the took us out to eat very interesting food and don't worry because of course I took pictures of it. We, and when I say we it means I actually made friends, went to a famous chocolate and churros place and of course it was delicioso.
After not taking a nap all day I finally went to bed at like 1:00AM which apparently is early, whatever. I woke up the next day and went for a run in the beautiful city with a friend and no we didn't get taken which is always a bonus. The sun doesn't rise until 8:30AM here which is odd to me. Thus far in the day we have visited the royal palace of Madrid where the king and queen of spain come to visit sometimes. I wasn't allowed to take pictures which I didn't know until I got yelled at but it was beautiful, Obama has got to step up his game, but how can you even compete with a room that is made of porcelain! Anyways one more day in Madrid then off to toledo.
Muchos Abrazos y Besos (Hugs and Kisses, for my non-spanish speaking mother),
P.S. photos are on facebook so check them out!